Parent Coaching
North County & Coast
Bill Spencer: 805-904-1411
South County & San Luis Obispo,
Ron Huxley: 805-709-2323
Countywide Spanish Speaking Line
Bessy Hoffman: 805-712-5038
Parent coaches are professionals who listen with compassion to a parent’s concerns and address specific parenting struggles. Parent Connection of San Luis Obispo County offers parents and caregivers free parent coaching with highly trained Parent Educators and can give parents personalized parenting support.
Parent Education Classes
Parenting is the hardest job you will ever have- Parent Connection of San Luis Obispo County has classes to support parents through your parenting journey. We are committed to protecting families and children in our communities!
Our Parent Education Classes, Workshops, and Support Groups are:
* Online (Classes hosted via Zoom & GoToMeeting)
* For parents of children ages 0-18